Suddenly Forbidden edition by Ella Fields Literature Fiction eBooks

Suddenly Forbidden edition by Ella Fields Literature Fiction eBooks
Daisy and Quinn. I tell you. These two. They were determined to try and break my heart from the very beginning of this story. My chest was hurting from around the 5% mark and didn't settle down until the epilogue. I absolutely loved every second of this book.Ella Fields totally nailed the NA genre. She captured the tummy butterflies, the pain, the confusion, the guilt, the genuinely overwhelming emotion of teenage love perfectly. This Story is Wow! Simply Wow! Daisy and Quinn's love story is everything you didn't know you could have in a New Adult book.
Best friends Quinn and Daisy were always sure they would be together forever.
π "You and me ... like the moon and the stars, we’re permanent.” ❤️❤️❤️
Until they weren't. Until circumstances and dishonesty changes their paths forever.
πThe moon and the stars. It didn’t seem right for one to exist without the other. Yet here I was, being forced to do so anyway. πππ
Ella painted such a vivid picture of the pain the characters go through that my chest was genuinely aching. My emotions were all over the place during this story - alternating from feeling broken-hearted to furious, from laughing to angry, from sad to hopeful and back again. So many feelings.
Along with the generous dose of teenage heartbreak, that had me ranting and sniffling, the story also has a healthy dose of humour and a lot of it comes from Daisy's new best friend Pippa. Their relationship is everything that's good about the fierceness of teenage girl friendships and I have everything crossed we get Pippa's story next.
π"A brave girl who gave her heart away to someone she felt worthy of it. That’s who does it,” Pippa finally said. “You and me, we’re going to be friends.”
You also get a perfect example of a "best friend" who everyone encounters at least once in their life. The kind of female I despise. Ella wrote her so well I personally wanted to climb into the book and punch her in the face. Boyfriend Stealing Ninja ππΌ
Daisy and Quinn both make mistakes, big ones. That's what teenagers do. The messy teenage angst in the story is so believable you find your wiser adult self shouting NOOO DON'T DO THAT!!!, but if you're honest, your inner teenage self would have done the same thing. You have to make mistakes to grow. They just hurt A LOT to read about.
The characters are so realistic and lovable that I didn't want the book to end - I wanted to spend more time with each of them and I know I will reread this story again very soon.
This love story is definitely not an easy one, but if you're looking for a NA read that will make you feel EVERYTHING then you need to read this book. I would give this story 6 stars if I could ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Tags : Suddenly Forbidden - Kindle edition by Ella Fields. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Suddenly Forbidden.,ebook,Ella Fields,Suddenly Forbidden,Fiction Romance New Adult,Fiction Sports
Suddenly Forbidden edition by Ella Fields Literature Fiction eBooks Reviews
Let’s just get this out the way. I HATE romances that have cheating. I’ve tried them. I end up hating characters. I hate the secrecy, the dishonesty, and the pain it causes. But for some reason, I was continually drawn to this synopsis. It pulled at my heart, and it kept going back and forth between reading it and not reading it . You can obviously tell that I did since a review is coming, and I can say without a doubt that Ella Fields blew my mind. If she never wrote anything but angsty affair driven romances, I would buy every single one. My opinion of cheating in romances hasn’t changed, but if she is writing it then I am reading it. Actual review is below
Words for how amazing this book is will elude me. This I know. The pain, the angst, the hope, and the love that emanates from the words on each page is felt in the soul. It crushed me, had me on the verge of tears, and had me yearning for these two, the moon and the stars, to finally light up the sky.
I should hate Quinn. I should be so angry for his choices and his actions, but I can’t. From the time we meet him as a little kid, I was in love. Ella Fields is a genius for using flashbacks to develop my loyalty to man who will anger me to no end, because no matter what he did, my love of him never wavered. Trust me, there are moments I wanted to tell him to get it together, to be honest with himself, to stop being such a good man(that seems ironic and impossible but it isn’t), but then I would be taking a part of his character that made me so attached to him. His poor choices make things worse, but readers have to remember that he is young and tries to do the “right thing” for most of the novel. Even when things go wrong, he still tries to fix it, to lessen the damage, which strangely makes me love him more.
Daisy, oh daisy. Her naivety should have annoyed me. The idea that he would be waiting speaks to her innocence, and yet I found her endearing. Like Quinn, I was drawn to her. Her artistry, her purity, and her kindness, even when she is making huge mistakes, had me firmly rooted to her side of this cheating trio. As the novel unfolds, and moments of the past are revealed, my sympathy for her grew. Her pain is palpable, and my pain came from her pain. I felt it, like I was a college kid watching my boyfriend not keep his promises to me, and the pain had me attached to this heroine.
So it is time to talk about the best friend, and while I question some of her motives and choices she made, I love that, ultimately Ella Fields did not vilify her. She is a teen, a group of people who are traditionally egocentric, when she makes her first error, and then she is a woman trying to cling to someone she loves. Like Quinn and Daisy, she makes poor choices, her emotions clouding her judgment, and while I didn’t love her for the role she played, I found myself sympathizing with her for the loss and pain she endures.
When you finally decide to pick up this book, you should, be prepared to feel a level of angst you haven’t experienced before, and, while it is dramatic, it is a story that centers around college kids. The level of “the world is ending” emotions is real, but there is undo angst. Ella Fields did a phenomenal job articulating the emotions of each character and the predicament they are all in together. The one aspect of the story that I did love is that isn’t overrun with cheating. The characters try to be honorable, and even respect what is established. After the cheating, the behavior only served to make me love the H/h more than I ever thought I could. I found again that we live in a world of grey, and Ella Fields articulated that so well, especially when it comes to matters of the heart.
Suddenly Forbidden is decadent angst-filled romance that gutted me. Ella Fields crafted this story in a way that had me sympathize with the plight of the characters, all of them, even when they are wrong. I read this story with my hand clutching at my chest trying to ease the pain it felt, and that my fellow readers is the sign of beautifully composed romance.
Daisy and Quinn. I tell you. These two. They were determined to try and break my heart from the very beginning of this story. My chest was hurting from around the 5% mark and didn't settle down until the epilogue. I absolutely loved every second of this book.
Ella Fields totally nailed the NA genre. She captured the tummy butterflies, the pain, the confusion, the guilt, the genuinely overwhelming emotion of teenage love perfectly. This Story is Wow! Simply Wow! Daisy and Quinn's love story is everything you didn't know you could have in a New Adult book.
Best friends Quinn and Daisy were always sure they would be together forever.
π "You and me ... like the moon and the stars, we’re permanent.” ❤️❤️❤️
Until they weren't. Until circumstances and dishonesty changes their paths forever.
πThe moon and the stars. It didn’t seem right for one to exist without the other. Yet here I was, being forced to do so anyway. πππ
Ella painted such a vivid picture of the pain the characters go through that my chest was genuinely aching. My emotions were all over the place during this story - alternating from feeling broken-hearted to furious, from laughing to angry, from sad to hopeful and back again. So many feelings.
Along with the generous dose of teenage heartbreak, that had me ranting and sniffling, the story also has a healthy dose of humour and a lot of it comes from Daisy's new best friend Pippa. Their relationship is everything that's good about the fierceness of teenage girl friendships and I have everything crossed we get Pippa's story next.
π"A brave girl who gave her heart away to someone she felt worthy of it. That’s who does it,” Pippa finally said. “You and me, we’re going to be friends.”
You also get a perfect example of a "best friend" who everyone encounters at least once in their life. The kind of female I despise. Ella wrote her so well I personally wanted to climb into the book and punch her in the face. Boyfriend Stealing Ninja ππΌ
Daisy and Quinn both make mistakes, big ones. That's what teenagers do. The messy teenage angst in the story is so believable you find your wiser adult self shouting NOOO DON'T DO THAT!!!, but if you're honest, your inner teenage self would have done the same thing. You have to make mistakes to grow. They just hurt A LOT to read about.
The characters are so realistic and lovable that I didn't want the book to end - I wanted to spend more time with each of them and I know I will reread this story again very soon.
This love story is definitely not an easy one, but if you're looking for a NA read that will make you feel EVERYTHING then you need to read this book. I would give this story 6 stars if I could ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

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