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When the Earth Had a Moon Part 1 AM Cunning Books

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When the Earth Had a Moon Part 1 AM Cunning Books

Wow! That is the first word that comes to mind when asked about my feelings on this book, wow. This is a fantastic first part Science fiction novel, and I dont usually like Sci-fi but the description intrigued me in the kindle store and I could not resist. The book is about the worlds first permanent moon base that has several different countries working together to develop a peaceful use for the moon for all, but of course political tensions start to arise. That is where the story begins and holy cow is it an adventure. The author is excellent at weaving in the political drama, scientific facts, and daily human follies into one without losing the audience or boring then. In fact, I was intrigued by the information I was handed and ended up more curious than lost in translation. We follow our main character Rex as he searches for his lost fiance and in doing so uncovers so military secrets that put him in possible danger. I loved it, the writing was amazing and I can not wait for part two to come out.

Read When the Earth Had a Moon Part 1 AM Cunning Books

Tags : When the Earth Had a Moon (Part 1) (9780998921402): A.M. Cunning: Books,A.M. Cunning,When the Earth Had a Moon (Part 1),MEL Press,0998921408,FICTION Science Fiction Military,FictionScience Fiction - Hard Science Fiction,FictionScience Fiction - Space Opera,FIC028050

When the Earth Had a Moon Part 1 AM Cunning Books Reviews

Good story, good characters & I want to know what happens next. Only problem is wondering how long we'll have to wait.
What could make the moon disappear? "Part 1' of this series tells us. But how do the stranded scientists get back home/

The plot is different. The writing is good, and the characters are developed.
I liked the story and plot but the characters were not well developed. I am not compelled to read the next book as the characters did not pull me into their lives so that I would care what happened to them.
Great science fiction book. The chapter on nuclear fusion made it easy to understand. Pops was a good character - he really made me laugh. I am ready for part 2!
This story makes you think about what could happen if the moon were to be destroyed. It is kind of scary, but it it also shows that sometimes greed gets in the way of science and everyday life. The soldiers on both sides were aggressive and the company and governments were greedy.
I picked up this book because I enjoy reading new science fiction authors, and I'm glad that I did. Every chapter is engrossing, whether it's learning about Chinese mythology, nuclear fusion or plot advancement, there is never a dull moment. The characters are wonderfully drawn, with all of their human foibles and all. The story is also timely, in that I imagine there will be a moon base in the near future, and nations will either have to cooperate or compete, and there is a real danger of military activity on the moon. But all seriousness aside, the story is fast paced, brings up real socio-political issues, and manages to be wildly entertaining. My only criticism would be that I would have liked to have spent more time on the moon base, the people drama was amusing.
I have to start off with admitting that I am not a Sci-Fi person, like - not at all... To me, just the idea of the genre itself, has always brought images of icky, green aliens, murmuring in their own language, or other suspiciously looking creatures communicating telepathically, teleporting through time and space, using human juice for source of nutrition. The usual, quite uninteresting, story-line-lacking, big Hollywood productions failed to make it any better for me... So needless to say, I was very nicely surprised to discover this book to be quite the opposite of that.

Fast paced story line, full of realistic characters, smart, thoughtful, caring, curious, someone you could be friends with easily... and they are human! dealing with living and working.... Well, in quite the unusual settings - the Moon Base. Considering today's advancements of science, an idea, that is not that distant anymore. The political plot - spot on, if you had any doubts about where we are heading, I'd say that the author pretty much nailed it. If it's not a reality today, it is safe to say, it will be, and sooner than you think.

I also have to say, that I loved the scientific experiments, mixed in with ancient stories, the ever-present suspense, created by more and more mysterious events as the story unravels, magnifying the sense of isolation and dependence on others caused by being not only far from home, but well, on the Moon - cold and unfriendly place, full of traps and surprises, and lacking gravity as well as oxygen... Unlike some, I actually admired the amount and complexity of well researched scientific detail - I didn't feel lost or confused by it, rather impressed and curious, and left wondering how much truth there is to it, and how much of it is just the fantastic imagination of the author herself. As it was combined with the political plot, intertwined with lives and work of civilian scientist, cascade of unpredictable events, and witty comments from Pops... it kept me on my toes until the end, and left me hungry for more. It is easy to forget about time and space while you're engrossed in a great storyline. Not many authors get my attention like that. Although it's a different genre, it reminded me of works by Alistair McLean, terrific novelist, whose books I would read deep into the night like this one.... Waiting for Part 2!!!
Wow! That is the first word that comes to mind when asked about my feelings on this book, wow. This is a fantastic first part Science fiction novel, and I dont usually like Sci-fi but the description intrigued me in the kindle store and I could not resist. The book is about the worlds first permanent moon base that has several different countries working together to develop a peaceful use for the moon for all, but of course political tensions start to arise. That is where the story begins and holy cow is it an adventure. The author is excellent at weaving in the political drama, scientific facts, and daily human follies into one without losing the audience or boring then. In fact, I was intrigued by the information I was handed and ended up more curious than lost in translation. We follow our main character Rex as he searches for his lost fiance and in doing so uncovers so military secrets that put him in possible danger. I loved it, the writing was amazing and I can not wait for part two to come out.
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