Teach Me 9783473352623 Books

Teach Me 9783473352623 Books
Warning this review contains some spoilers:Teach Me is a controversial story about a young 17-year old girl who falls in love with and begins a physical relationship with her teacher, Mr. Mann. Mr. Mann knows what he is doing is wrong, but can't help but be drawn to Carolina ("Nine") because she is very intelligent and "different" from everyone else. They spend an increasing amount of time together and he eventually has sex with her when she turns 18. Shortly after they take their relationship to that level, he suddenly breaks things off and gives her no reason why. She finds out he is getting married which sets her off on a mission to get to the bottom of "why". Nine becomes almost scary in her stalkerish behavior, but no matter what she does, you can't help but feel the hurt and anger with her as she is getting to the bottom of the mystery of why Mr. Mann did what he did, with the help of her bestfriend Schuyler.
This was a good story that had some shocking elements to it, especially the end. I did have some issues with Mr. Mann for obvious reasons. He is supposed to be the adult in this situation, in his thirties, he is her teacher and he messed this kid up pretty badly with his actions. I don't care how good looking the guy is or what kind of connection they felt for each other, their relationship never should have happened and she was just a kid, no matter how much she did not act like it. Mr. Mann, in my opinion, was an immature coward. I hated how he took away her innocence and deceived her into believing that he truly loved her and that there was a possibility of a future together. He may have apologized to Nine for what he did to her, but I never felt like he had any true remorse. To me, it seemed that he expected this kid to just instantly get over him while he continued to enjoy his life with his new wife. My major gripe with this book was that he did not get what he deserved and never had to face the consequences of his actions. I also would have enjoyed a confrontation between him and Schuyler. However, this was still a great book and is one of those stories that will stick with you long after you are done reading it.

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Teach Me 9783473352623 Books Reviews
I read this book in high school for the first time and 10 years later, I still love it.
I was surprised to learn with all the drama around teachers getting arrested for having sex with their students that this novel won the following awards
Best of 2005, Teenreads.com;
Newcomer's Pick 2005, Horn Book;
Fall 2005 Kid's Pick, Book Sense;
New York Public Library Book for the Teen Age, 2006;
2005 Best Teen Novel, Miami Herald;
2006 Thumb's Up! Top Twenty,
Michigan Library Association, Best Young Adult Literature of 2005,
Iowa City School District, 2005 Great Books,
Baltimore County Public Library, and
a nomination from the Young Adult Library Services Association for the 2006 Best Books for Young Adults list.
Carolina Nine Livingston is described in Teach Me as, "A six-foot chunk of girl-woman with a thirty-five-inch inseam and brown chair-stuffing hair..." Mr. Mann from Massachusetts is described as having no gut, very trim, and younger than most. He is tall with long arms. His eyes are frostbite blue, and his dark hair hangs partly across his face like Johnny Depp's. Nine estimated his age to be between 24 and 28 and said, "...he's gorgeous. Nose just the right shape. Amazing eyes. Broad shoulders. Perfect butt."
Mr. Mann's soothing voice and hypnotic eyes caused Nine to fall in love with him during their first class and the feeling was mutual. Mr. Mann waited for Nine where the students gathered to smoke, so he could give her a twenty-five dollar Books-A-Million gift certificate. It was his way of thanking her for helping to make his first day at school go smoothly. Thereafter, Nine could not, "...look at anything but him," and she started to eerily drive in circles around his Sunlake apartment complex...
The Allure of Nymphets
So far, the best, most thrilling book I've ever read. I never like girl protagonists because they're either too bitchy or self-hating and cookie-cutter, but this girl is phenomenal. Smart, mature, insane, funny. Her descent into chaos is steady. Her obsession relatable. At least at first and in terms of what a crossed girl wants to do but just dreams about doing. The metaphors/science-y theme is tight. There's never a dull moment. So much poetry and macabre beauty.
I have finished reading this book in two days. Would have finished sooner if my mother did not keep me so occupied. I have to say, I have not read another teacher/student relationship novel such as this one. This novel was a roller coaster of emotions, and once I reached the ending, I had no idea what to feel. Personally, I felt that the love between Nine and her teacher was not very adventurous or romantic-- despite the fact that they did have sex. Regrettably, it started getting interesting once her teacher said, "Everything has to stop." They rushed into a relationship, but it ended as fast as it started. I liked how the author kept referring back to Emily Dickinson- the famous poet (who is the teacher's favorite poet in the novel). The novel has some pretty advanced vocabulary packed in it, including some science terms. You guys may as well get on the Google highway for some of the terms. However, I found myself a little lost at times, and got myself off track with the novel due to its complexity. I completely sympathized Nine in the novel; I fell in love with a teacher as well, and kind of virtually stalk him up to this day, so I know how it is. But nowhere near bizarre to Nine's extent. At times, the novel made me angry (to the point where I actually wanted to throw it). It also made me get on the verge of tears, it made me laugh, it made me everything. It truly did feel as if I was Nine, but could not help but imagine my teacher as Mr. Mann. One thing I appreciated about the novel is its realistic plot. The ending was definitely realistic, but I felt as it if could have ended in a more creative... slow way. I miss the characters already!
Warning this review contains some spoilers
Teach Me is a controversial story about a young 17-year old girl who falls in love with and begins a physical relationship with her teacher, Mr. Mann. Mr. Mann knows what he is doing is wrong, but can't help but be drawn to Carolina ("Nine") because she is very intelligent and "different" from everyone else. They spend an increasing amount of time together and he eventually has sex with her when she turns 18. Shortly after they take their relationship to that level, he suddenly breaks things off and gives her no reason why. She finds out he is getting married which sets her off on a mission to get to the bottom of "why". Nine becomes almost scary in her stalkerish behavior, but no matter what she does, you can't help but feel the hurt and anger with her as she is getting to the bottom of the mystery of why Mr. Mann did what he did, with the help of her bestfriend Schuyler.
This was a good story that had some shocking elements to it, especially the end. I did have some issues with Mr. Mann for obvious reasons. He is supposed to be the adult in this situation, in his thirties, he is her teacher and he messed this kid up pretty badly with his actions. I don't care how good looking the guy is or what kind of connection they felt for each other, their relationship never should have happened and she was just a kid, no matter how much she did not act like it. Mr. Mann, in my opinion, was an immature coward. I hated how he took away her innocence and deceived her into believing that he truly loved her and that there was a possibility of a future together. He may have apologized to Nine for what he did to her, but I never felt like he had any true remorse. To me, it seemed that he expected this kid to just instantly get over him while he continued to enjoy his life with his new wife. My major gripe with this book was that he did not get what he deserved and never had to face the consequences of his actions. I also would have enjoyed a confrontation between him and Schuyler. However, this was still a great book and is one of those stories that will stick with you long after you are done reading it.

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