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Days of Atonement Walter Jon Williams 9780812501803 Books

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Download PDF Days of Atonement Walter Jon Williams 9780812501803 Books

Days of Atonement Walter Jon Williams 9780812501803 Books

A Western small town chief of police, member of an obscure religious sect, gets stuck dealing with a murder. The problem is, the victim had already died decades before in a car accident. There's weirdness happening at the local high tech lab in cutting edge particle physics. And weirdness of the locals in this small town trying to move itself from the 19th Century straight into the 21st. And then things get REALLY weird when parties unknown try to stop the murder investigation. Small town politics, good ole boys, mad scientists, and even a good barfight just off the rez. What's not to love? Give this one to your friends who can THINK but claim to hate science fiction. It'll blow their minds.

Read Days of Atonement Walter Jon Williams 9780812501803 Books

Tags : Days of Atonement [Walter Jon Williams] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers.,Walter Jon Williams,Days of Atonement,Tor Books,0812501802,902258228,Science Fiction - General,American Science Fiction And Fantasy,Fiction,Fiction Science Fiction General,Science Fiction

Days of Atonement Walter Jon Williams 9780812501803 Books Reviews

The story & characters are well-written, so I kept reading. I really wanted to find out what happened in the end. It was a fairly long build-up, and then the ending took what seemed like only a few paragraphs. It was as if the author had to get the book finished by the publishers due date, and he was behind, so he did a rush job of the ending. Very disappointing.
As a scifi work, this starts out as more like a modern Southwest mystery, the scifi aspects are low key and not emphasized until late in the book's final chapters. The primary character is very believable and well developed, as are the supporting characters. The ending leaves me, as a reader, wanting more.
Not my usual genre, but I enjoyed it nonetheless. After reading and loving "Hard Wired," I wanted to check out more of Mr. William's work. As you most likely have discovered, "Days of Atonement" is well liked, and I must agree that it is a worthy read, especially if you might enjoy a modern western police / detective thriller with a nice palatable frosting of genuine physics topped with a nice cherry of speculation.

Best of all, Mr. Williams had me laughing my a** off on several occasions with great dialog and witty descriptions. Understandably, it did take awhile of setting the scene to get that rolling, so if at first you aren't completely drawn in, stick with it and that dog will hunt.
Pretty good story. Didn't go where I expected it to go, so that was a bonus. A lot of action, all the plot lines seemed to makes sense and contributed to the story.

Got all the way to the end and then....

Which way did he go???
I have read a number of WJ Williams books over the years. They always leave an aftertaste--something that is a subtle message about morals or ethics that appeals to me. I may subconsciously seek a such a hidden theme, but I don't notice that in most other books, save perhaps Michener...and a few others. This is a story quite descriptive of the culture and environment of the time and setting--and that is an important element, for me. I recommend it with four stars. I rarely assign five stars--those are the rarities that do occur, but perhaps less than once a year.
I had already read and loved Hardwired and Voice of the Whirlwind when I came across Days of Atonment. It wasn't at all what I expected from Williams and at first I was a bit turned off by its prosaic, small-town setting and its flatly depressing, repressive future.
But then, somewhere along the way, I was drawn in by Williams' masterful character-building, and by the way that Loren's horizons are expanded, not just by the wonders he finds in the discoveries of the scientists working at the particle accelerator lab but also by the way he is constantly finding out the secrets and mysteries of friends and family who he has known for years or even decades. He shows some real growth as a character by the end, yet he is still true to his roots as a fighter.
The moment I finished this novel, it instantly became one of my favorite science fiction novels.
Quite interesting and thought provoking with tons of twists and turns. But it's written in 1991 so it talks about satellite networks and bbs's, so younger readers will have to do some research or go with the flow on the very out of date tech. Summary, everything was done via modem and connections to the internet were scarse. So people connected to bbs's little islands that sometimes talked to each other. All character based and kludge. Hard to grasp if you grew up with the Internet.
A Western small town chief of police, member of an obscure religious sect, gets stuck dealing with a murder. The problem is, the victim had already died decades before in a car accident. There's weirdness happening at the local high tech lab in cutting edge particle physics. And weirdness of the locals in this small town trying to move itself from the 19th Century straight into the 21st. And then things get REALLY weird when parties unknown try to stop the murder investigation. Small town politics, good ole boys, mad scientists, and even a good barfight just off the rez. What's not to love? Give this one to your friends who can THINK but claim to hate science fiction. It'll blow their minds.
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